Kazakhstan Mitm Can Be Prevented With Decentralized Pki
by Dominic Letz | July 19, 2019 | Category: Burning Platform
OMG! So it happens again. PKI the Public Key Infrastructure is a centrally rooted security infrastructure to encrypt nearly all of today’s internet traffic. And is being used to crack all traffic in Kazakhstan.
Yesterday on the 18h of July 2019, the state-owned telecommunications organization of Kazakhstan started to misuse this central infrastructure in the states initiative against free speech. The now dictatorship of Kazakhstan is forcing its users to install a custom Kazakhstan root certificate. With this certificate in place the government is able to read, intercept & change all traffic send from those internet users to public websites. This is a general Man-In-The-Middle attack on all citizens including destinations such as facebook.com or gmail.com giving and the government wide access to their citizens most personal data.
The government certificate can be obtained from http://qca.kz and citizens are required to install it from their ISPs. The certificate is already valid since February 1st but to our knowledge only enforced since yesterday. The Firefox maker Mozilla already has a new bug report to categorically deny this new state-issued certificate. This might either increase the pressure on the regime to cut back with their efforts to decrypt all traffic or lead to a ban of Firefox in the country.
A Different Approach
At the core of the problem is though the central organization of the PKI infrastructure. Even the current “proper” root authorities have their places just for historical reasons. This central infrastructure is becoming a single point of failure (SPOF) for security. We just saw DarkMatter the UAE spy organization having valid intermediate certificates and even trying to become a root authority. This centralized infrastructure is becoming a major weakness of the Internet’s global security. But this can be changed. At Diode we believe that the future of PKI is decentralized PKI. When you check your email and gmail.com or send messages to your friends via facebook.com encryption should be end2end and not signed-off by a ominous third party.
In a decentralized PKI the owner of a domain stores his/her signatures on a public blockchain. This allows any Web Browser, Smartphone App or IoT Device to check the blockchain entry and find the correct signature that should be used for end2end encryption. This scheme allows the domain owner to self-sufficiently manage his domains, and removes the need to contact a central organization such as VeriSign, Comodo or Let’s encrypt to get a certificate.
The pieces for this new Web have been coming together mostly from Blockchain enthusiasts. Bitcoin created the decentralized ledger, one that is not controlled by any single entity but grows stronger with more participants. Ethereum brought the smart-contracts and the ability to store arbitrary structured data on the chain. ENS the Ethereum Naming System first showed how a system such as DNS can be implemented decentralized on top of Ethereum. Here at Diode we’re going the next step and are moving PKI into the Blockchain and critically allow the smallest devices such as micro controllers to connect securely to the Blockchain.